Corby International Pool, Corby
Level 3 LC
Squads competing- All non National Qualifiers
BOK achieved- 16 Gold, 23 Silver, 30 Bronze and 92 additional top 8 places
GOLD- Amelia Jones (3), Elliot Mason, Isabel Farmer (2), James Plant, Luke Clegg, Martin Smith (6), Natasha Green, Thomas Brooks.
SILVER- Eva Knight (7), Jack McClelland (2), James Plant (3), Luke Clegg (3), Martha Hirst (2), Martin Smith, Mia Thomas, Natasha Green, Neve Locke, Sally Rutledge, Steph Booth.
BRONZE- Anya Locke (2), Elliot Mason, Emma Webb, Eva Knight (3), Florence Hobson, Freya Charlesworth (2), Hannah Pridgeon, Henry King, Jack McClelland, James Plant, Lachlan Munro, Lillie Bryant (2), Lily Palmer (2), Luke Clegg, Martin Smith, Natasha Green (3), Sally Rutledge (3), Steph Booth (2), Thomas Brooks .
Additional top 8 places- Amelia Jones, Anya Locke (3,) Charlotte Pate (5), Ellie Bellhouse Smith (2) , Elliot Mason (4), Elyse Taylor (3), Emilia Hartley (3), Emma Webb (3), Florence Hobson (4), Freya Charlesworth (4), Hannah Pridgeon (2), Henry King (2), Imogen Jones (3), Isabel Farmer (3) , Jack McClelland (3), James Plant (2), Jamie Pridgeon (3), Jessica Smelt (2), Kara Schulyer, Lachlan Munro (4), Lillie Bryant (2), Lily Charlesworth, Lily Palmer, Luke Clegg, Martha Hirst (2), Mia Thomas (4), Neve Locke (4) , Rory Bryant (2), Sally Rutledge (4), Samuel Sykes (2), Sophie Ethelston Clarke (2), Sophie Mansfield, Steph Booth (4), Thomas Brooks (5) .
For Full Results- https://uk.teamunify.com/EventShow.jsp?returnPage=%2FEventsPast.jsp%3Fteam%3Dreczznsc&id=701244&team=reczznsc
Thank you to Coach and Team Managers for your times on Pool side over the weekend.