BOK Artistic Swimming
Combining strength, flexibility, endurance and artistry, artistic swimming is a physically demanding and highly technical sport. It’s also great fun!
Who we are
Founded in 1982, and formerly the BOK Synchronettes, we are the artistic swimming arm of Borough of Kirklees Swimming Club. We operate independently of the main club to give our artistic swimmers the support and training to become the best that they can be in their chosen sport.
What we do
Artistic swimming involves performing moves, including specific skills in water, that is synchronised to music. This can either be as a solo performer or as part of a duet or team. BOK artistic swimmers train and compete in all three disciplines.
Routines are usually choreographed by our qualified coaches.
Swimmers are also offered the opportunity to take grades. These are professionally assessed qualifications that determine the category in which each swimmer can compete.
Each Grade consists of a set of specific moves that the swimmer must complete to a desired standard in order to pass. The higher the Grade, the harder the moves.
How we operate
To keep costs to a minimum for swimmers, BOK Artistic Swimming Club is run by a team of qualified volunteer coaches and poolside helpers and a dedicated committee of parents. The committee organises everything from competition entries and training to official kit orders and pool bookings. The club continues to be successful thanks to the time and effort given by all these valued volunteers.
During competitions, parents are also expected to help out with the various duties. For some roles, training can be provided.
How to join BOK Artistic Swimming
We are always on the lookout for talented artistic swimmers, however, due to maximum capacity numbers there may be a waiting list.
If you are interested in joining BOK Artistic Swimmers please email BOK artistic swimmers with your name and contact number, as well as your child’s name, age and relevant swimming experience and we will let you know when trials are being held.