Harvey Haddon Sports Village, Nottingham
Level 1 LC
Squads competing- SP
BOK achieved- 17 Gold, 10 Silver, 6 Bronze and 19 additional top 8 places
GOLD- Avril Bowler, Brandon Cartwright (2), Chloe Hirst (6), Martin Smith (3), Milly Boulding, Rebecca Thornton (4) .
SILVER- Avril Bowler (2), Brandon Cartwright, Emily Brook (2), Milly Boulding (4), Rebecca Thornton.
BRONZE- Adam Law, Avril Bowler, Emily Brook (2), Martin Smith (2)
Additional top 8 places- Adam Law (4), Alexandra Woodhead (4), Avril Bowler, Brandon Cartwright, Emily Brook (2), Emily Hirst (3), Martin Smith (3), Milly Boulding.
For Full Results- https://uk.teamunify.com/SubTabGeneric.jsp?team=senova&_stabid_=155693
Thank you to Coach and Team Managers for your times on Pool side over the weekend.